
We live in a complex, fast-paced world full of diversity and ideas.  We have an abundance of accessible information and knowledge and a never-ending dialogue of questions.  We have our dreams and goals, our challenges and fears.  We strive to learn, and will inevitably grieve.  If we are working at it, we will evolve and occasionally, purposefully or not, we digress.  Technology advances and infrastructures change, grow or collapse. And nature just does her own thing. But despite everything, life goes on.

It’s a lot.

And somewhere in all of it, for many, remains an ongoing commitment to continually find ways to practice staying connected with things important. For one, being grounded in the heart and what it is that makes us human.  Maintaining and nurturing the fibers that support us through it all – so we are whole and not alone through the good stuff and the not so good.  And the things that at the end of the day give us the good things we need to make this journey we share together on this planet the best it can be.   

My Grandmother once told me that you can tell the true salt of a person by the way they choose to behave when they have power or when they are in a situation of stress or extreme adversity.  If we, or those around us when we forget or are too weak to remember, find ways to Breathe Love as often as possible, then it can always be happening on some level.  That will make us stronger and not let us stray too far from the finer qualities of being human.  And more importantly, it will give us a chance to shine and show ourselves and each other how there is always room for goodness and things like patience and understanding.

My name is Josephine DeVirgilio.  The Breathe Love way is my personal contribution to the universe.  A ripple of goodness.  It’s a blog and a little portal of inspiration.  A kind word, a quote, a word of encouragement, hope.  An example of resilience and always a virtual smile or hug.  To Breathe is something that we cannot live without.  To love and be loved is what it’s all about.  Together, those two words alone can do anything and can make a difference for a more positive and unified self, home, community or world.

The irony about this “About” page is that it is not about me at all and neither is this blog.  It’s about the 7 billion people who share this planet.  I simply put a concept of BREATHE LOVE out there and some inspirational examples of what that could look or sound like, and then, here’s the best part – I let go.

It’s up to each person to decide how they would breathe love.  And that’s a lot of goodness.

How can we, together and each in our own way Breathe Love into this day, a moment, and a lifetime? 

That’s what breathe love is all about.

Thank you for your eyes or ears on these pages today and I’m grateful for the chance to share the Breathe Love vision.

Josephine DeVirgilio


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